THE EASIEST WAY TO GET ADVICEFor any questions on the best areas in the Var or the French Riviera, don't hesitate to call us Monday-Saturday 8am to 8pm or leave us a message via the quick contact form.
Contact: Alistair Phillips
Tel: +33 (0)4 94 68 37 43 / +33 (0)6 75 26 24 39 email: [email protected] |
The Smartfinder Home difference is that we run our search across 100% of the market,
whether that is an estate agent, a notaire or directly with a private individual
so as to ensure you don't miss out the house that really suits you.
whether that is an estate agent, a notaire or directly with a private individual
so as to ensure you don't miss out the house that really suits you.
What the press says on Smartfinder Home
- Good Life France Magazine - Luxurious Magazine |